邻居阿姨告诉我说她在菜市场买的酸辣菜是有加油条的!这我还是头一回听到, 还蛮有创意滴!
我去买了材料回来烧了这道酸甜、辛香、爽脆 ,很开胃的菜请阿姨吃,吃过一口后说:“好香浓,好吃!”
材料 (A):
200 g 干葱头,去皮,切细片
5 pcs 蒜头,去皮,切细片
2 pcs /30 g 香茅,只取白色部分 ,切细
4 pcs 新鲜辣椒,去籽,切小片
15 g 辣椒干,剪断,㓎热水30分钟
10 g 南姜,切薄片
10 g 黄姜,切薄片
4 pcs 石古仔
15 g 峇拉煎
材料 (B):
180 g 长豆,切段 ,4 公分长
180 g 红萝卜,切段,4 公分长
250 g 包菜,切大片
350 g 黄瓜,去籽,切段,4公分长
450 g 黄梨 ,去心,切块
500 ml 水
1/4 cup 糯米醋
调味料 :
3/4 cup 糯米醋
8 tbsp 粗砂糖
1 tsp 盐
1 tbsp 炒香芝麻
200 g 炒香花生,磨碎
做法 :
1. 将已处理好的材料 (A)用研磨机磨细,备用。
2. 将已切好的黄瓜条和 1 小勺盐拌匀,置放一旁20分钟等出水,将多余的水倒出后,再用手挤干黄瓜水份,备用。
3. 烧开材料 (B) 的水和醋,将长豆、红萝卜和包菜分别逐一加入汆烫2~3分钟后捞起,控干,备用。
4. 炒锅加入大约150克食油和已磨细的辛香料,以中小火不停的翻炒大约10~15分钟至香浓。
5. 加入糯米醋、糖 和盐拌匀,再将全部蔬菜、磨碎花生和芝麻加入混合均匀,即可上桌。
The Nyonya Acar Awak aka mixed vegetables pickled has been one of my favourite dishes of all time from the Nyonya cuisine. It is a classic side dish to pair up with rice and uniquely blended with a fusion of sweet, tangy, spicy, crunchiness, and aromatic flavours. During festive seasons, Acar are bottled up and given as gifts to friends and family.
Ingredients (A):
200g Shallots
5 pcs Garlic
2 pcs /30 g Lemon grass
4 pcs Fresh chili,deseeded
15 g Dried chili, soaked in hot water
10 g Galangal
10 g Turmeric
4 pcs Candle nuts
15 g Belacan/ Shrimp paste
Ingredients (B):
180 g Long beans , cut into 4cm long
180 g Carrot, cut into 4 cm long
250 g Cabbage, cut into big pieces
350 g Cucumber , deseeded and cut into 4 cm long
450 g Pineapple , discard the stem and cut into pieces
500 ml Water
1/4 cup vinegar
Seasonings :
3/4 cup Vinegar
8 tbsp Course sugar
1 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Toasted sesame seeds
200 g Ground toasted peanuts
Method :
1. Ground Ingredients (A).
2. Add 1 tsp salt to the cut cucumbers and mix well , leave aside for 20 minutes then drain the water and use your hands to squeeze as much as water from the cucumbers .
3. Bring the 500 ml water and 1/4 cup vinegar to a boil , then blanch the long beans , carrots and cabbages one by one for about 2~3 minutes ,drain well and keep aside .
4. Put about 150g cooking oil in pan , fry ground ingredients (A) till fragrant and oil seeps up .(10~15 minutes )
5. Add the seasonings of vinegar, sugar and salt and bring to a boil . Then mix in all the vegetables , ground toasted peanuts and sesame seeds .
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