330 g 高筋面粉, 过筛 Bread Flour,sifted
56 g 3合1速溶麦粉 3 in 1 Instant Oat Cereal
5 g 干酵母 Instant Yeast
1 tsp 盐 Salt
40 g 有机糖蜜 Organic Molasses
200 g 冷牛奶 Cold Milk
1 pc 鸡蛋 Egg
40 g 牛油,切小块. Butter, cut into pieces
50 g 核桃 Walnuts
50 g 蔓越莓. Cranberries
表面装饰:适量麦片干果 Some muesli for toppings
模具 :450克面包烤模
Baking utensil :450g loaf pan
制作: Method
Put the yeast , 2 tsp molasses and 2 tbsp milk into a bowl and mix well .
2. 将鸡蛋、剩余的糖蜜和牛奶混合均匀,备用。
Mix the egg, remaining molasses and milk , stirring to dissolve .
3. 将过筛的高筋面粉、即溶麦粉和盐倒入调理机里,再加入(1)和 (2)(液体部分先保留50 cc, 在面团已经搅拌成团后再徐徐加入)。
Pour the sifted bread flour , instant oat cereal and salt into the food processor , then add in no. (1) and (2)
(Reserve 50cc egg mixture and add to the dough later )
4. 开动机器,以高速搅拌30 -35 秒至形成面团后 ,把剩余液体加入,(留一大匙涂面用)再次开动机器,以高速搅拌 15 秒后加入牛油,再搅拌15 -20秒至到牛油和面团完全融合。
Use the highest speed to mix the dough for about 30-35 seconds , then add in the reserved egg mixture (leave 1tbsp behind for brushing purposes) Continue to mix for another 15 seconds then add in the soft butter pieces and mix for another 15-20 seconds .
5. 把面团取出,移到已洒上少许高筋面粉的工作台上,以类似搓洗衣服的方式搓揉甩打面团至柔软光滑。(面团完成延展阶段,能够拉出完整的薄膜)
Turn out the dough and knead for about 20 minutes until smooth and elastic .
Shape into a ball and cover with a wet cloth or plastic wrap ,leave in a warm place for an hour until well risen.
7. 第一次发酵完成后,用手轻按面团将气体挤出来。
Knead lightly to press the air out .
8. 把面团分割成3个同等份量的小面团,滚圆后盖上湿布休面15分钟。
Divide the dough into 3 equal pieces and shape into balls , keep covered and let rest for 15 minutes.
9. 面团擀开后,加入适量的核桃和蔓越莓,卷起。再次擀开,翻面再卷起,收口朝下捏紧,放入已抹油烤模中进行第二次发酵大约45分钟。
Use a rolling pin to roll the dough into rectangle roughly 7-8 inches long , spread some walnuts and cranberries and roll up and press to seal . Roll the dough again and turn over , then roll up and press to seal, place it into an oiled loaf pan to rise for about 45 minutes .
10. 在第二次发酵完成前15分钟,预热烤箱170度。
Preheat the oven at 170 deg C 15 minutes before the 2nd fermentation ends .
11. 发酵完成后,轻轻的涂抹剩余蛋液,再洒些麦片干果,就可以放进烤箱底层烤了,烤约35至40分钟。
Lightly brush the reserved egg mixture on the dough surface , then sprinkle with some muesli and bake at the lowest rack for 35 -40 minutes.
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