Thursday, 9 April 2015

巧克力牛油蛋糕 / Chocolate Butter Cake

这个巧克力蛋糕可可味浓郁、口感柔软细腻。试一下,你绝对不会失望! (笑)

无盐牛油.........................250 克
细砂糖.............................220 克
鸡蛋.................................5 个
自发粉.............................180 克
盐................................... 小撮
苦可可粉..........................3 大匙
即溶咖啡..........................1 小匙
牛奶.................................1 大匙
巧克力精/香草精..............1 小匙


1. 将自发粉、盐和可可粉一起过筛,待用。

2. 将即溶咖啡、牛奶和香草精搅拌混合,待用。

3. 牛油室温软化, 加细砂糖用搅拌机搅打至松白。

4. 加入蛋,搅打均匀,搅打均匀,每次都要拌匀后再加入新的鸡蛋。

5. 加入(2) ,混合均匀。

6. 加入过筛的(1)粉类 ,拌匀。

7. 倒入 8 寸已抹油、底部垫牛油纸的模具,放入已预热180度的烤箱,烤约50分钟。

Ingredients :
Unsalted butter ...................250 g
Castor sugar .......................220 g
Egg......................................5 pcs
Self  raising flour...................180 g
Dutch processed cocoa powder..3 tbsp
Instant coffee........................1 tsp Milk.......................................1 tbsp
Chocolate paste /Vanilla essence...1 tsp

Method :

1. Sift the self raising flour , salt and cocoa powder together and set aside.

2. Desolve the instant coffee with the milk and essence .

3. Cream the softened butter with sugar till light and fluffy .

4. Add the eggs one at a time , beating to combine .

5. Add in no (2) coffee milk mixture and combine well .

6. Fold in sifted flour until just combined .

7. Pour batter into prepared 8 inch pan ( well greased and bottom lined with baking paper) and bake at preheated oven at 180deg celcius for about 50 minutes .

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