模具 : 7 寸 圆形活底模,烤模底部及周围涂上一层软化的牛油,底部和周围垫油纸。用2 张锡纸包好活底。
鸡蛋...................................3 个
牛奶.................................120 克
香草精..............................1 小匙
1. 将融化牛油分三次加入已软化的奶酪里,用塑胶刮刀搅拌均匀。用块拧干的湿毛巾盖着。
2. 将3个蛋白(90克)置于一个干净无油的钢盆中,放到冷冻室里5分钟。
3. 蛋黄(50克)加15克细砂糖和香草精用打蛋器搅打均匀后加入过筛的玉米粉,继续搅拌均匀。
4. 牛奶放在火炉上加热至锅旁有小泡泡,即刻熄火。然后慢慢的倒入(3)的蛋黄糊里,一边倒一边用打蛋器不停的搅拌。
5. 将 (4) 的卡仕达酱以隔水炖煮法,不停的以打蛋器搅拌,以小火煮约2分钟至浓稠后,立刻将盆子拿起来,再继续搅拌十来下。
6. 将 (5) 的卡仕达酱加入 (1)的奶酪糊里搅拌至光滑。
7. 用电动打蛋器以高速打发蛋白,呈鱼眼泡状时,加入剩余的糖(45克)分三次慢慢加入,搅打至湿性发泡。
8. 将1/3 蛋白霜轻轻拌入(6) 内,充分拌匀后,再加入剩余蛋白霜搅匀。
9. 将蛋糕糊倒入模后,烤盘上注入热水,以180 度烤15分钟或上色后,降低温度至160度烤25分钟。烤箱关火后,让蛋糕在里头静置半个小时后才拿出来。冷却后连模子一起包上保鲜膜放进冰箱冷藏一个晚上。
I learnt this cake from a Japanese chef and this famous recipe can be found on line with ease .Chef Rumi put a remark that the cake is miraculously memorable once you have tasted it.
The incorporation of custard to the cream cheese formulates a silky ,light and fluffy texture that melts instantly in your mouth , just like cotton candy .Such dessert is absolute divine .
Baking mould : 7 inch loose bottom cake pan, greased and lined the bottom and side with parchment paper .Wrap the bottom of the pan with 2 pieces of aluminium foil.
Ingredients : I have scaled down the recipe
Cream cheese , softened at room temp ..............250g
Unsalted butter, melted..........................................40g
Castor sugar ..........................................................60g
Eggs ........................................................................3 pieces
Corn flour , sifted ...................................................10g
Vanilla essence ............................ .............................1 tsp
Method :
1. Add the melted butter in 3 times to the softened cream cheese and use a spatula to mix . Use a damp cloth to cover .
2. Put the egg whites (90g) into a clean bowl and keep in the freezer for 5 mins .
3. Whisk the egg yolks (50g) with 15g of sugar and vanilla essence to blend ,then add in the sifted corn flour and mix well.
4. Bring milk to a simmer ,then gradually whisk into the egg yolk mixture .
5. Put no .(4)over a pot of water and keep stirring over medium -low heat until custard thickens(about 2 minutes)
6. Add the custard to the cream cheese mixture and mix until smooth .
7. Beat the egg whites (90g) with the remaining sugar until soft peak forms.
8. Mix 1/3 of the meringue to no. (6) ,then fold in the rest of the meringues into the batter until mixed ,being careful not to deflate the meringue.
9. Fill the pan with the cake batter , then fill the roasting pan with about 1 inch of hot water , bake at preheated oven at 180 deg C for 15 minutes or until the top is golden brown , then lower the temperature to 160 Deg C and bake for another 25 minutes .Switch off the oven and leave the cake inside the oven for half an hour .Chill the cake in the refrigerator overnight before serving .
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