材料 :
排骨 .............................500 克
南瓜 ,切大块...............250 克
清水..............................350 毫升
浓椰浆..........................100 毫升
香料 A:(打烂)
干葱头.....................................................50 克
蒜头.........................................................2 瓣
辣椒干,切段,浸软...............................10 克
鲜辣椒,去籽,切小片.............................2 条
小辣椒......................................................5 条
石古仔......................................................2 粒
香茅,只取白色部分,切细…..................1 根
香料 B:
肉类咖喱粉..................2 大匙
咖喱叶.........................2串/15 片
调味料 :
糖、盐、生抽、鱼露 各一小匙
作法 :
1. 锅里烧热4 大匙油,炒香香料A和B。
2. 加入排骨和调味料以中火翻炒均匀,然后加入清水,大火烧开后,加盖,调小火焖煮45分钟至排骨熟透。(记得不时翻炒一下,以免粘锅)
3.倒入南瓜翻炒一会,加盖再焖煮10分钟。 最后加入椰浆拌匀,大火煮滚,熄火,即可上桌。
Dry Curry Spare Ribs With Pumpkin
Ingredients :
Spare Ribs ...............................................500 g
Pumpkins,skinned and deseeded ............250 g
Water.........................................................350 ml
Thick Coconut Milk ..................................100 ml
Ground Ingredients A:
Shallots ....................................................50 g
Garlic...........................................................2 pcs
Dried chilies, soaked.................................10 克
Fresh Chilies, deseeded..............................2 pcs
Chili Padi ....................................................5 pcs
Candle Nuts................................................2 pcs
Lemon Grass, white parts only …..............1 pc
Cumin ,dry fry.............................................1 tsp
Coriander Seeds, dry fry.............................1 tsp
Spices B:
Meat Curry Powder.............,.,,,,..............2 tbsp
Curry Leaves..........................................2 stalks
Lemon Grass, lightly bruised ................1 pc
Cinnamon Stick .....................................4 cm
Seasonings :1 tsp each of salt, sugar, soy sauce and fish sauce
Method :
1. Heat up 4 tbsp of oil and sauté ground ingredients A and spices B.
2. Add in the spare ribs and seasonings and stir fry to mix well. Then add the water and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and cover to cook for about 45 minutes until the ribs are cooked.(Stir occasionally to prevent dry up and burn)
3.Add the pumpkin chunks and stir to mix well, cover and cook for 10 minutes. Stir in the coconut milk and bring to a boil then off the heat immediately .Serve over rice or pasta.