Thursday, 3 December 2015

巧克力香蕉蛋糕 / Chocolate Banana Cupcakes


预热烤箱 180度(上下火)

3条       熟香蕉,用叉子压成泥 (250克香蕉泥)
100 克  细砂糖
100 克  黄糖
160 克  无盐牛油,室温
240 克  鲜奶
2 个      鸡蛋 (大)
240 克  普通面粉
11/2小匙 苏打粉
11/2小匙 泡打粉
1/4小匙 盐
30 克    可可粉
1 小匙   桂皮粉
1 小匙   香草精

120 克   巧克力,切碎
60   克   鲜奶
20   克   牛油,切 小块

1. 将全部粉类和盐混合筛到一个大碗里。

2. 面粉中间开洞,倒入其余的材料 (除了香蕉泥)用电动打蛋器以低速搅拌均匀后,调到中速搅打大约3 分钟至面糊光滑。再把香蕉泥拌入后继续搅打均匀。

3. 将蛋糕糊勺入纸杯八分满,放进烤箱烤20 ~25分钟 。(烤温和时间是给一个大致参考,个家烤箱不一样,请在出炉前用手轻按蛋糕表面有弹性即是烤好。)

4. 将烤好的小蛋糕放凉后,再放到冰箱冷藏一下。

5. 将巧克力碎和牛奶隔水加温,搅拌至到巧克力溶化。熄火后分3次加入牛油块搅拌至溶化。将巧克力酱淋上蛋糕既可。

Chocolate Banana Cupcakes 

This moist and delicious cake is very easy to make that a super beginner can also manage to make it.

Preheat the oven at 180 deg C 

Ingredients :                      
3 pcs   Ripened Bananas, mashed (250g mashed bananas)
100 g   Castor Sugar
100 g   Brown Sugar
160 g   Unsalted Butter, softened
240 g   Fresh Milk
2 pcs   Eggs (large)
240 g   All Purpose Flour
11/2 tsp Baking Soda
11/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp   Salt
30 g      Cocoa Powder
1 tsp     Cinnamon Powder
1 tsp     Vanilla Essence

Chocolate Ganache
120 g     Chocolate, chopped
60   g     Fresh Milk
20   g     Butter, cut into pieces

Method :
1. Sieve all dry ingredients with salt into a big bowl.

2. Make a well in the centre and add the rest of the ingredients except the mashed bananas.Use the lowest speed to mix the ingredients well ,then turn to medium speed to mix  for 3 minutes until the batter is smooth .Add the mashed bananas and continue to mix until well combined.

3. Fill the cupcake liners about 2/3 full and bake approximately 20~25 minutes.(A cupcake is done baking when you gently press the top with your finger  and it springs back.)

4. Let the cupcakes cool on the rack ,then refrigerate for a short while.

5. Cook the chopped chocolate and milk in a top double boiler over simmering water until smooth, stirring occasionally .Switch off the fire and add the butter in 3 batches until melted .Spread and swirl on the cakes.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

甘咖喱南瓜排骨 / Dry Curry Spare Ribs With Pumpkin

这道甘咖喱南瓜排骨让我家老爷连扒了两碗米饭! 裹着香浓咖喱汁的排骨软嫩适中,南瓜也很软糯香甜,微辣的咖喱汁很好下饭, 确实会让人食欲大增。

材料 :
排骨 .............................500 克
南瓜 ,切大块...............250 克
清水..............................350 毫升
浓椰浆..........................100 毫升

香料 A:(打烂)
干葱头.....................................................50 克
蒜头.........................................................2 瓣
辣椒干,切段,浸软...............................10 克
鲜辣椒,去籽,切小片.............................2 条
小辣椒......................................................5 条
石古仔......................................................2 粒
香茅,只取白色部分,切细…..................1 根

香料 B: 
肉类咖喱粉..................2 大匙
咖喱叶.........................2串/15 片

调味料   :
糖、盐、生抽、鱼露 各一小匙

作法 :
1. 锅里烧热4 大匙油,炒香香料A和B。

2. 加入排骨和调味料以中火翻炒均匀,然后加入清水,大火烧开后,加盖,调小火焖煮45分钟至排骨熟透。(记得不时翻炒一下,以免粘锅)

3.倒入南瓜翻炒一会,加盖再焖煮10分钟。 最后加入椰浆拌匀,大火煮滚,熄火,即可上桌。

Dry Curry Spare Ribs With Pumpkin

Ingredients :
Spare Ribs ...............................................500 g
Pumpkins,skinned and deseeded ............250 g
Water.........................................................350 ml
Thick Coconut Milk ..................................100 ml

Ground Ingredients  A:
Shallots ....................................................50 g
Garlic...........................................................2 pcs
Dried chilies, soaked.................................10 克
Fresh Chilies, deseeded..............................2 pcs
Chili Padi ....................................................5 pcs
Candle Nuts................................................2 pcs
Lemon Grass, white parts only …..............1 pc
Cumin ,dry fry.............................................1 tsp
Coriander Seeds, dry fry.............................1 tsp

Spices  B: 
Meat Curry Powder.............,.,,,,..............2 tbsp
Curry Leaves..........................................2 stalks 
Lemon Grass, lightly bruised ................1 pc
Cinnamon Stick .....................................4 cm

Seasonings :1 tsp each of salt, sugar, soy sauce and fish sauce

Method :
1. Heat up 4 tbsp of oil and sauté ground ingredients A and spices B.

2. Add in the spare ribs and seasonings and stir fry to mix well. Then add the water and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and cover to cook for about 45 minutes until the ribs are cooked.(Stir occasionally to prevent dry up and burn)

3.Add the pumpkin chunks and stir to mix well, cover and cook for 10 minutes.  Stir in the coconut milk and bring to a boil then off the heat immediately .Serve over rice or pasta. 

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

杏仁饼干 / Almond Cookies


材料 :
自发面粉 ..............................150 克
苏打粉...................................1/2 小匙
盐..........................................1/4 小匙
杏仁粉...................................80 克
杏仁角,烤香........................50 克
杏仁香精油/香草油................1/2 小匙

做法 :

1. 将烤箱预热170 度。

2. 将所有粉料、糖和盐过筛。 加入杏仁角、溶化牛油 和杏仁香精拌匀成团。

3. 将面团分成每份10克的小球,用力捏成不易散开的小球,放上烤盘烘烤15 分钟。

Almond Cookies

Ingredients :
Self Raising Flour.........................150 g
Baking Soda................................1/2 tsp
Salt..............................................1/4 tsp
Almond Meals.............................80 g
Almond Nibs, lightly toasted.......50 g
Icing Sugar..................................80 g
Unsalted Butter, melted..............125 g
Almond Or Vanilla Essence.........1/2 tsp

Method :

1. Preheat oven at 170 Deg C.

2. Sieve together the self raising flour, soda, salt, almond meals and icing sugar .Add the almond nibs, melted butter and essence and mix until the dough is firm.

3. Pinch out about 10g of dough and roll into a ball. Bake for 15 minutes. 

Saturday, 14 November 2015

豆油肉 / Pork Belly Braised In Soy Sauce (Tau Yew Bak)


材料 :
整颗蒜头……................1 个
八角...............................1 个
干葱头............................3 个,去皮,拍扁

配料 :
水煮蛋.............................4 粒

调味料 :

做法 :

1. 将锅烧热,倒入少许油爆香干葱头,加入五花肉条(皮朝下)、蒜头、八角、月桂叶和胡椒粒,小火煸至五花肉皮微微焦黄。




材料 :

做法 :

1. 将新鲜辣椒和小辣椒泡淡盐水半个小时,洗净,控干。将一半新鲜辣椒籽去掉,其余的辣椒剪小段。

2. 用一平底锅把峇拉煎烤香。

3. 把全部用料放到石舂里舂碎即可。

Pork Belly Braised In Soy Sauce ( Tau Yew Bak)

Tau Yew Bak is literally translated as "pork braised in soy sauce "in Hokkien dialect.It is a typical  homely dish that tastes so good with steam white rice.

Ingredients :
Pork Belly...........................350g
Whole Garlic……................1 pc
Star Anise...........................1 pc
Bay Leave............................1 pc
White Peppercorn...............10pcs,lightly smashed
Shallots...............................3 pcs, skinned and lightly smashed
Hard Boiled Egg.................4 pcs
Tofu Puffs............................12 pcs

Seasonings :
Dark Soy Sauce……...........1 tbsp
Soy Sauce ..........................3 tbsp
Rice Wine ...........................1 tbsp
Rock Sugar ........................2 small pc
Dash of Sesame Oil

Method :

1. Heat a heavy bottom pot and sauté the shallots with some oil until fragrant. Add the pork belly (with skin side down),garlic, star anise,bay leave and peppercorns and pan fry until the pork skin turns slightly browned.

2. Add in the seasonings , eggs and tofu puffs and water and bring to a boil, skim and discard the scum, then turn to low fire to simmer for 45 minutes to an hour until tender.

3. Cut the cooked meat into pieces and serve with sambal belancan.

Sambal Belacan

Ingredients :
Fresh Chilies.........................150 g
Chili Padi ...............................10g
Belacan/Shrimp Paste............30 g
Sugar.......................................1 tsp
Salt to taste

Method :

1. Soak the fresh chilies and chili padi in lightly salted water for half an hour. Wash and drain well. Discard the seeds from half the fresh chilies and cut the rest into smaller pieces.

2. Use a pan to roast the belancan until fragrant .

3. Place all ingredients in a pestle and mortal and pound until smooth.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

干煎虾 / Ginger Garlic Prawns Stir Fry

这是我妈妈的拿手菜, 不用15分钟就可以做出来的一道家常美味佳肴。鲜甜的虾只充分吸收了调理的滋味, 咸甜适口,带着淡淡的姜蒜香味,很好吃。

材料 :
姜丝.........................................1 大匙
蒜蓉.........................................1 大匙

调料 :
糖.............................................1 小匙
绍兴酒......................................1 大匙

做法 :


2. 平底锅倒入2大匙油烧热,放入虾只煎至虾壳红亮后捞起,置旁待用。

3. 再加入少许油爆香姜丝和蒜蓉,将虾只倒入锅中, 调入调味料,然后不断翻炒虾只使其充分吃味,3 ~5分钟后即可出锅装碟。

Ginger Garlic Prawns Stir Fry

Quick and tasty meal ready on the table in less than 15 minutes. The prawns are cooked in a very aromatic and succulent sauce with ginger and garlic.

Ingredients :
Medium Size Prawns......................350g
Fine Julienne Ginger.......................1tbsp
Chopped Garlic..............................1tbsp

Seasonings :
Soy Sauce.......................................1/2tbsp
Oyster Sauce...................................1/2tbsp
Shaoxing Wine.................................1tbsp

Method :
1. Use a scissor to cut off the prawns' legs , clean and drain.Marinade with 1/4 tsp each of salt and sugar and some white pepper powder for 10 minutes.

2. Heat a pan with 2 tbsp of oil and fry the prawns until they turn pink. Dish up and set aside.

3. Add some oil to the pan and sauté the ginger and garlic until fragrant . Return the prawns to the pan and add the seasonings to mix well. Keep stirring the prawns to coat the sauces well and cook for about 3 to 5 minutes. Dish up and serve.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

韩式酱南瓜 / Korean Pumpkin Side Dish

我用了香葱油来烧南瓜,然后调入少许盐和蜂蜜, 就是一道韩国料理店常见的小菜~酱南瓜,不过韩式的酱南瓜不放干葱头,只在起锅前拌入蒜米和烤香芝麻。
南瓜含有胡萝卜素、维生素B、维生素C和钙、磷等成分。 南瓜营养价值高,常食可以改善营养不良、体质衰弱症状。

材料 :
1/2 个/600 克 南瓜
4 个                干葱头,去皮,切细

调料 :
一撮                 盐
2小匙               蜂蜜
100 毫升          水

做法 :
1. 南瓜削皮去籽,切块 。

2. 炒锅放油3大匙,爆香干葱头, 捞起干葱酥,置旁,待用。

3.  倒入南瓜煸炒,加盐和蜂蜜,翻炒几下后加入水。

4. 加盖后小火焖至南瓜熟软,上碟后洒上干葱酥。

Korean Pumpkin Side Dish
This is a very common and delicious side dish both in Korean restaurants and households.Pumpkin is rich in beta carotene, iron, vitamin C and potassium. Healthy, easy and delicious. 

Ingredients :
1/2 piece/600 g Pumpkin
4 pcs                 Shallots, skinned and sliced thinly

Seasonings :
Pinch of salt
2 tsp      Honey
100ml    Water

Method :
1. Skin and scape out the seeds from the pumpkin, then cut into 2" chunks .

2. Add 3 tbsp of oil in a wok and fry the shallots until fragrant and crispy. Dish out the shallot crips and leave aside. 

3. Add the cut pumpkins into the wok and stir fry until evenly coated with oil.Add in salt and honey and stir to mix well , then add in the water.

4. Cover with a lid and simmer until the pumpkin is softened .Garnish with the fried shallot crips and serve.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

鱿鱼丝炒沙葛 / Jiu Hu Char (Fried shredded cuttlefish with jicama)

鱿鱼丝炒沙葛是槟城华人家庭过年过节或是祭祖时都会准备的一道经典娘惹菜肴。这道菜很惹味,不过准备功夫工作很繁琐;沙葛不可以用刨的,必须永手工切丝,而且不可切太粗,要很细很细的,还蛮考刀功的, 哈哈!

材料 :

200 克 五花肉
50   克 鱿鱼丝
10   朵 冬菇
100 克 干葱头,去皮,切细
600 克 沙葛,去皮,切丝
100 克 红萝卜,切丝

调味料 :
2 大匙  生抽,随意
1/2小匙 盐
1/2小匙 糖
适量      胡椒粉

做法 :

1. 五花肉洗净, 放入250毫升水里煮15分钟,捞起,冷却后切丝,汤汁留用。

2. 鱿鱼丝用水稍洗, 然后用温水浸20分钟后捞起, 浸泡水留着待用。

3. 冬菇用水泡软浸发后去蒂,切细。

4. 炒锅下三大炒勺的油爆香干葱头, 捞起干葱酥,置旁备用。

5. 下鱿鱼丝爆香后,加入冬菇丝和肉丝翻炒,调入胡椒粉和生抽后拌匀。

6. 加入沙葛丝、红萝卜丝和干葱酥炒匀, 加入煮五花肉的汤汁和浸泡鱿鱼丝的水,(共400毫升)烧开后转小火,加盖焖煮半个小时至软。(焖煮时要不时翻炒,以免粘锅)起锅前调入盐和糖。

7. 以生菜和叁峇峇拉煎配着吃。

Jiu Hu Char (Fried shredded cuttlefish and jicama )

Ingredients :

200 g Pork belly
50   g Shredded cuttlefish
10pcs Dried mushroom
100 g  Shallots, thinly sliced
600 g  Jicama, peeled and thinly sliced (julienne style)
100 g  Carrot, thinly sliced (julienne style)

Seasonings :
2 tbsp Soy sauce, optional
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Sugar
Some white pepper powder

Method :

1. Boil the cleaned pork in 250ml water for 15 mins, cooled and sliced thinly, keep the stock.

2. Rinse the dried cuttlefish then soak in warm water for 20 minutes, drained and keep the water.

3. Soak the dried mushrooms and slice thinly, julienned style.

4. Heat about 3 big ladle of oil and sauté the shallots until fragrant and crispy, dish up and put aside. 

5. Add in cuttlefish and fry until fragrant, then add in shredded mushrooms and pork to fry, add pepper and soy sauce and mix well.

6. Add in shredded jicama and carrots and crispy shallots, stirring to mix well . Then add in the pork stock and water that soaked the cuttlefish ,(total 400ml) bring to a boil then turn to low fire, covered and simmer for half an hour , stirring now and then, cook until the vegetables are softened.Season with salt and sugar. 

7. Serve with lettuce and sambal belacan.

Friday, 23 October 2015

米糕 / Bee Koh

小时候,每逢过年过节, 外婆都会做了米糕给我们送过来。妈妈没有继承外婆的好手艺,好可惜啊! 不过近年来妈妈也会向朋友讨教,学习做糕点。今天做的米糕就是妈妈教我的,很好吃!

材料 :

糯米............................250 克
椰浆............................250 克
盐................................1/8 小匙
细砂糖.........................120 克
香兰叶.........................3 片


1. 糯米洗净,浸水两个小时。

2. 把糯米控干水,放到已铺好纱布的蒸笼,然后把香兰叶打结放在糯米上,放到蒸锅上蒸约45分钟。(蒸20分钟后要撒点水,然后翻拌糯米)

3. 混合椰浆、糖和盐, 开小火煮溶糖, 然后将已蒸好的糯米倒入搅拌均匀,用小火拌至干。

4. 将糯米糕勺到碟上,用香蕉叶或勺子压实,待凉后才切块享用。

Bee Koh

Ingredients :

Glutinous rice..........................250 g
Coconut milk...........................250 g
Salt .........................................pinch
Castor sugar............................120 g
Pandan leaves.........................3 blades

Method :

1. Rinse the glutinous rice and soak for 2 hours.

2. Discard the water and drain the rice well, then place the rice in the lined bamboo steamer with the knotted pandan  leaves on top, cover and steam on high for 45 minutes. ( After steaming for 20 minutes,sprinkle some water on the rice and move the rice around so the top is down close to the steam )

3. Combine the coconut milk,sugar and salt in a wok and cook with low fire until the sugar dissolves. Then mix the cooked glutinous rice and mix lightly to coat the milk mixture well.Keep stirring until the the mixture thickens .

4. Pour the glutinous rice mixture into a place for molding and press with a banana leave or spoon .Let it cool completely before cutting to serve.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

布朗尼 / Fudgy Brownies


材料 :

黑巧克力............................150克 (可可含量70%)
鸡蛋....................................4 个 (60克蛋)
焦糖香精..............................1 小匙

做法 :

1. 牛油和巧克力隔水溶化,待凉,备用。

2. 面粉和可可粉过筛两次。

3. 用电动打蛋器以中高速将鸡蛋和细砂糖打至蓬松,大约3~4分钟。

4. 将溶化巧克力和焦糖香精加入蛋糊中,轻轻搅拌均匀。

5. 拌入过筛的粉类,搅拌均匀。

6. 加入果仁拌匀后, 倒到已抹油铺纸的 7”x 7" 的方形烤盘,两边的纸要高于烤盘1 寸。

7. 送入已预热175度的烤箱中层,以上下火烤约35~40 分钟。 (用竹签测试时会有一点粘黏是正常的,烤过头就会变硬了)

Fudgy Brownies
This is my son's favorite brownies that is thick ,moist and fudgy.

Ingredients :

Dark chocolate............................150g (70% cocoa content)
Unsalted butter............................115g
Castor sugar................................200g
Egg.................................................4 pcs (60g eggs)
Plain Flour....................................150g
Unsweetened cocoa powder..........25g
Caramel essence.............................1tsp
Roasted and salted macadamia nuts....................100g

Method :

1. Melt the butter and chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, let cool completely.

2. Sieve the plain flour with cocoa powder twice.

3. Use an electric mixer to beat the eggs and sugar on medium high speed for 3~4 minutes .

4. Add the melted chocolate and essence to the egg mixture and mix well.

5. Fold in the sifted flour until just combined.

6. Add the nuts and spread the batter evenly into a prepared 7" x 7" cake tin. ( Grease and line the pan, leaving an extra 2cm above the two sides of pan)

7. Bake at preheated oven at 175 deg C for 35 to 40 minutes. 

Friday, 16 October 2015

豆漿 / Homemade Soy Milk

喝豆浆虽然好处多多,但是如果饮用不当,就会影响健康。所以,饮豆浆时务必注意以下几点 :(摘自中国中医药报)
1. 豆浆要彻底煮开~ 因为生豆浆里含有皂素、胰蛋白酶抑制物等有害物质,未煮熟就饮用,会发生恶心、呕吐、腹泻等中毒症状。


3. 不要空腹饮豆浆~空腹饮豆浆,豆浆里的蛋白质大都会在人体内转化为热量而被消化掉,不能充分得到补益的作用。饮豆浆的同时吃些点心、面包、馒头等淀粉类食品,可使营养物质被充分吸收利用。

4.  饮豆浆忌放红糖~红糖里有机酸较多,如醋酸、乳酸等,它们能与豆浆里的蛋白质和钙质结合,产生变性物及醋酸钙、乳酸钙等块状物,这不仅有损豆浆的营养价值,而且也影响豆浆里所含营养素的吸收。

5. 不要用保温瓶储存豆浆把豆浆装在保温瓶内,会使瓶内的细菌在温度适宜的条件下大量繁殖,3~4小时后,就会使豆浆变质。

 6.  饮豆浆并非人人皆宜~从中医学角度看,豆浆性偏寒而清利,故平素有胃寒者,饮后有闷胀、反酸、嗳气、吞酸者,脾虚易腹泻、腹胀者,夜尿次数多,

7.  不要过量饮豆浆~一次饮用过多,易引起蛋白质消化不良、腹泻等不适感。

8.  另外,豆浆不能与药同饮,有些药物如红霉素等抗生素类药物会破坏豆浆里的营养成分,甚至产生副作用,危害健康。

材料 :
有机黄豆...............300 克
过滤水.................2800 毫升
香兰叶.................5 片

做法 :

1. 将黄豆冲洗干净后,浸泡于水中4~6个小时。

2. 泡好后将水倒掉,再次将黄豆洗净,沥干。

3.  将泡好的黄豆 240克 放入果汁机中,加入 700毫升的过滤水,搅打成浆。

4.  将过滤网置于一大碗上,然后将 (3)的豆浆倒入,滤出豆浆。

5. 将豆渣放回果汁机中,加入240毫升的过滤水,再次搅打成浆。

6. 再次将豆浆滤出后就可以把豆渣放置一旁,待用。

7. 重复 (3) 至 (6) 的步骤直到用完全部泡好的黄豆。

8. 取一深锅,然后将干净的过滤网放在锅上,纱布袋铺于网上,倒入豆浆过滤,再用手将豆渣挤出剩余的豆漿。

9. 投入香兰叶,开大火边煮边搅拌以免粘底。煮至冒大泡泡时马上转小火,继续煮半个小时左右,加入适量的冰糖即可。

注 :滚开的豆浆很容易溢出,需要特别注意火候,还有就是要不停的搅拌。煮豆浆需要花上些时间和耐性,煮出来的豆浆才会有豆香味和好喝。

Homemade Soy Milk

Ingredients :
Organic soy beans .............300 g
Purified water......................2800 ml
Pandan leaves ......................5 blades ,knotted
Muslincloth ,Metal sieve .................. 1 each

Method :

1. Wash and clean the beans and soak in the water for 4 ~ 6 hours .

2. Discard the water and wash the beans again , then drain.

3.  Place 240g of soaked beans and 700 ml purified water into a blender , grind until smooth.

4.  Sieve the milk mixture through the metal sieve.

5. Place the insoluble material/Okara and 240ml purified water to the blender to blend again.

6. Sieve the milk mixture and discard the okara (put aside)

7. Repeat the process from (3) to (6) until you have used up all the soaked beans.

8. Place the metal sieve on top of a deep saucepan,then layer with the muslin cloth and filter the soy milk . Let the liquid drain out then squeeze out the excess liquid from the okara .

9. Place the knotted pandan leaves into the soy milk and heat until boiling point(keep stirring). Once it boils, turn to low fire and continue to cook for another half an hour .Add some rock sugar to taste.

Note : Boiling soy milk tends to overflow quickly .Be sure to monitor the heat and stir occasionally.