预热烤箱 180度(上下火)
3条 熟香蕉,用叉子压成泥 (250克香蕉泥)
100 克 细砂糖
100 克 黄糖
160 克 无盐牛油,室温
240 克 鲜奶
2 个 鸡蛋 (大)
240 克 普通面粉
11/2小匙 苏打粉
11/2小匙 泡打粉
1/4小匙 盐
30 克 可可粉
1 小匙 桂皮粉
1 小匙 香草精
120 克 巧克力,切碎
60 克 鲜奶
20 克 牛油,切 小块
1. 将全部粉类和盐混合筛到一个大碗里。
2. 面粉中间开洞,倒入其余的材料 (除了香蕉泥)用电动打蛋器以低速搅拌均匀后,调到中速搅打大约3 分钟至面糊光滑。再把香蕉泥拌入后继续搅打均匀。
3. 将蛋糕糊勺入纸杯八分满,放进烤箱烤20 ~25分钟 。(烤温和时间是给一个大致参考,个家烤箱不一样,请在出炉前用手轻按蛋糕表面有弹性即是烤好。)
4. 将烤好的小蛋糕放凉后,再放到冰箱冷藏一下。
5. 将巧克力碎和牛奶隔水加温,搅拌至到巧克力溶化。熄火后分3次加入牛油块搅拌至溶化。将巧克力酱淋上蛋糕既可。
Chocolate Banana Cupcakes
This moist and delicious cake is very easy to make that a super beginner can also manage to make it.
Preheat the oven at 180 deg C
Ingredients :
3 pcs Ripened Bananas, mashed (250g mashed bananas)
100 g Castor Sugar
100 g Brown Sugar
160 g Unsalted Butter, softened
240 g Fresh Milk
2 pcs Eggs (large)
240 g All Purpose Flour
11/2 tsp Baking Soda
11/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Salt
30 g Cocoa Powder
1 tsp Cinnamon Powder
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
Chocolate Ganache
120 g Chocolate, chopped
60 g Fresh Milk
20 g Butter, cut into pieces
Method :
1. Sieve all dry ingredients with salt into a big bowl.
2. Make a well in the centre and add the rest of the ingredients except the mashed bananas.Use the lowest speed to mix the ingredients well ,then turn to medium speed to mix for 3 minutes until the batter is smooth .Add the mashed bananas and continue to mix until well combined.
3. Fill the cupcake liners about 2/3 full and bake approximately 20~25 minutes.(A cupcake is done baking when you gently press the top with your finger and it springs back.)
4. Let the cupcakes cool on the rack ,then refrigerate for a short while.
5. Cook the chopped chocolate and milk in a top double boiler over simmering water until smooth, stirring occasionally .Switch off the fire and add the butter in 3 batches until melted .Spread and swirl on the cakes.