材料 :
200 克 五花肉
50 克 鱿鱼丝
10 朵 冬菇
100 克 干葱头,去皮,切细
600 克 沙葛,去皮,切丝
100 克 红萝卜,切丝
调味料 :
2 大匙 生抽,随意
1/2小匙 盐
1/2小匙 糖
适量 胡椒粉
做法 :
1. 五花肉洗净, 放入250毫升水里煮15分钟,捞起,冷却后切丝,汤汁留用。
2. 鱿鱼丝用水稍洗, 然后用温水浸20分钟后捞起, 浸泡水留着待用。
3. 冬菇用水泡软浸发后去蒂,切细。
4. 炒锅下三大炒勺的油爆香干葱头, 捞起干葱酥,置旁备用。
5. 下鱿鱼丝爆香后,加入冬菇丝和肉丝翻炒,调入胡椒粉和生抽后拌匀。
6. 加入沙葛丝、红萝卜丝和干葱酥炒匀, 加入煮五花肉的汤汁和浸泡鱿鱼丝的水,(共400毫升)烧开后转小火,加盖焖煮半个小时至软。(焖煮时要不时翻炒,以免粘锅)起锅前调入盐和糖。
7. 以生菜和叁峇峇拉煎配着吃。
Jiu Hu Char (Fried shredded cuttlefish and jicama )
Ingredients :
200 g Pork belly
50 g Shredded cuttlefish
10pcs Dried mushroom
100 g Shallots, thinly sliced
600 g Jicama, peeled and thinly sliced (julienne style)
100 g Carrot, thinly sliced (julienne style)
Seasonings :
2 tbsp Soy sauce, optional
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Sugar
Some white pepper powder
Method :
1. Boil the cleaned pork in 250ml water for 15 mins, cooled and sliced thinly, keep the stock.
2. Rinse the dried cuttlefish then soak in warm water for 20 minutes, drained and keep the water.
3. Soak the dried mushrooms and slice thinly, julienned style.
4. Heat about 3 big ladle of oil and sauté the shallots until fragrant and crispy, dish up and put aside.
5. Add in cuttlefish and fry until fragrant, then add in shredded mushrooms and pork to fry, add pepper and soy sauce and mix well.
6. Add in shredded jicama and carrots and crispy shallots, stirring to mix well . Then add in the pork stock and water that soaked the cuttlefish ,(total 400ml) bring to a boil then turn to low fire, covered and simmer for half an hour , stirring now and then, cook until the vegetables are softened.Season with salt and sugar.
7. Serve with lettuce and sambal belacan.
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