Friday, 23 October 2015

米糕 / Bee Koh

小时候,每逢过年过节, 外婆都会做了米糕给我们送过来。妈妈没有继承外婆的好手艺,好可惜啊! 不过近年来妈妈也会向朋友讨教,学习做糕点。今天做的米糕就是妈妈教我的,很好吃!

材料 :

糯米............................250 克
椰浆............................250 克
盐................................1/8 小匙
细砂糖.........................120 克
香兰叶.........................3 片


1. 糯米洗净,浸水两个小时。

2. 把糯米控干水,放到已铺好纱布的蒸笼,然后把香兰叶打结放在糯米上,放到蒸锅上蒸约45分钟。(蒸20分钟后要撒点水,然后翻拌糯米)

3. 混合椰浆、糖和盐, 开小火煮溶糖, 然后将已蒸好的糯米倒入搅拌均匀,用小火拌至干。

4. 将糯米糕勺到碟上,用香蕉叶或勺子压实,待凉后才切块享用。

Bee Koh

Ingredients :

Glutinous rice..........................250 g
Coconut milk...........................250 g
Salt .........................................pinch
Castor sugar............................120 g
Pandan leaves.........................3 blades

Method :

1. Rinse the glutinous rice and soak for 2 hours.

2. Discard the water and drain the rice well, then place the rice in the lined bamboo steamer with the knotted pandan  leaves on top, cover and steam on high for 45 minutes. ( After steaming for 20 minutes,sprinkle some water on the rice and move the rice around so the top is down close to the steam )

3. Combine the coconut milk,sugar and salt in a wok and cook with low fire until the sugar dissolves. Then mix the cooked glutinous rice and mix lightly to coat the milk mixture well.Keep stirring until the the mixture thickens .

4. Pour the glutinous rice mixture into a place for molding and press with a banana leave or spoon .Let it cool completely before cutting to serve.

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