Tuesday, 24 February 2015




350 g  薄五花肉片
200 g  泡菜,切片
2 片 姜
100 g 大洋葱,切块
2 根 葱白,切段

2 tbsp 韩国辣椒酱
1 tbsp 韩国辣椒粉
1 tsp 糖
2 tsp 生抽
1 tbsp 米酒
少许 黑胡椒粉

少许 烤香芝麻

1. 调味料用2大匙水开匀,待用。

2. 炒锅加入2大匙麻油,加入泡菜、洋葱、姜 和葱白炒至泡菜微焦。

3. 加入五花肉片翻炒片刻后,倒入 (1) 和少许开水兜匀,再撒入一些烤香芝麻即可上桌。


Monday, 16 February 2015


我家老爷特怀念以前常吃到的咖喱粉山猪肉,刚好让我买到山猪里脊肉,就凭着对这道菜的味道的记忆,烧给他吃后,连声赞好!老爷吃得开心,我也烧得开心! 哈哈!


200 g 山猪里脊肉,切薄片
1 pc 洋葱,切块
数片 姜
2 根 咖喱叶(随意)

4 tsp  咖喱粉
4 tsp  生抽
1 tsp  蚝油
1 tbsp 绍兴酒
1 tsp 麻油
 少许  糖、盐
1 tsp  生粉


1. 将切片里脊肉放入一碗里,加入调味料,同手抓匀后试味,再加入生粉抓匀,腌制20 分钟。

2. 炒锅加入2 大匙油,爆香姜和咖喱叶,然后加入里脊肉翻炒,待肉片刚变颜色时,加入切块洋葱,翻炒片刻后, 加入少许水烧开即可。

Friday, 13 February 2015


在此祝愿大家在新的一年,个个都当官、天天都有钱算! 最重要还是身体健壮、平安喜乐!


4 pcs 豆干 
3 pcs 唐蒜, 斜切段
1~2 片 姜
8 pcs 虾,去壳,去虾肠,加入少许胡椒粉,米酒和生抽腌制

适量 蚝油、鸡精粉


1. 豆干浸泡淡盐水片刻,控干水,用纸巾抹干,每块切成四片。

2. 锅里放油加热,用筷子放到油锅里会有小泡泡时,把豆干放入炸至金黄(大约3~5分钟),捞起沥油,待用。

3. 另起一锅,加入1~2大匙油爆香姜片,然后加入虾仁翻炒片刻,接着投入糖蒜炒匀。

4. 加入豆干、调味料和少许水烧开后,接着再加入少许水淀粉勾芡,出锅前加入几滴麻油即可。

Friday, 6 February 2015

鱼丸 /Homemade Fish Balls

在家自制鱼丸不仅卫生好吃(不含硼砂添加剂)而且乐趣无穷;只需用最简单的调味料和使劲摔打鱼浆大概200 下,就可制出Q弹的鱼丸了。(就当着是运动手臂吧! 心情不好时也可以发泄发泄,呵呵!)

Homemade fish balls are delicious and more hygienic with no chemical additives and can be very fun to play with too . You only need a few basic seasonings plus slapping the paste forcefully into the bowl for about 200 counts and you will get a smooth and bouncy fish balls !


600 g 刮好后的鱼青(肉)
Freshly scrapped fish fillet,boneless and skinless
4~5 tbsp 水  Water
2 tsp 盐  Salt
适量 胡椒粉   Some pepper powder
2 tsp 木薯粉   Tapioca flour
几滴 麻油        Few drops sesame oil

作法:. Method 

1. 将水和盐巴混合开匀,待用。
Mix the water and salt , put aside.

2. 将刮好的鱼肉用刀背剁幼,边剁边加入少许盐水。
Use the back of a cleaver to chop the meat until fine ,adding some salt water while chopping .

3. 将已剁好的鱼肉置于一深碗里,拌入胡椒粉、木薯粉和剩余的盐水,然后用手猛力搅打直到鱼浆起胶,接下来加入数滴麻油,再搅打均匀。
Transfer the fish paste to big bowl , add in pepper powder , tapioca flour and the remaining salt water and mix well .Gather the fish paste and slap it back to the bowl until it becomes firm and springy . Add in a few drops of sesame oil and continue the process of slapping for a few more seconds .

4. 将手粘湿,然后抓起一团鱼浆,用虎口挤出鱼浆,另一只手拿粘湿的勺子将鱼丸刮下来,投入冷水锅里,(每刮一颗丸子就要把勺子再粘湿,避免鱼浆粘在勺子上)开小火煮至鱼丸浮起,捞出鱼丸放在汤碗里,加入上汤,调味完毕即可上桌。
Wet one hand and gather some fish paste with your palm and squeeze them out ,at the same time use a spoon dipped into water and scoop out the balls . Drop the balls into a pot of cold water and cook with low heat until they float up .Dish up and put into a bowl and serve with some broths of your choice .

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

猪脚醋 / Pig Trotter Vinegar


材料:. Ingredients 
1 kg 猪手,斩大块  
 Pig trotter, chopped into large pieces
250 g 老姜,用刀拍扁  
Old ginger, smashed
900 ml 黑甜醋  Black sweet vinegar
200 ml 水. Water
2 tbsp 麻油  Sesame  oil
1 tbsp 冰糖   Rock sugar 
3 tbsp   红糖  Dark brown sugar
适量 熟鸡蛋  Some hard boiled eggs

作法:  Method

1. 起锅加油爆香老姜。
Fry the ginger with sesame oil till fragrant .

2. 将爆香老姜、甜醋、浙醋 、水和糖于陶瓷锅里,烧开后转小火煮出姜醋香。(大约半小时)
Transfer the ginger to a clay pot and add the vinegar , water and sugar and bring to a boil , lower the heat and simmer for 30 minutes .

3. 另起一锅水,烧开后把洗净的猪手入锅煮约15分钟,捞起洗净,控干。
Cook the trotters in a pot of hot boiling water for 15 minutes , discard the water and rinse them under a tap and drain dry .

4. 用回炒姜的锅把猪手炒香直到表皮微焦。
Use the wok that used to fry the ginger to stir fry the trotters till fragrant.

5. 将 以上放到姜醋里,开大火烧开后转小火煮至猪手熟透,大约2个小时。
Add the trotters to the ginger vinegar sauce and bring to a boil , then simmer for about 2 hours , or until the trotters are tender soft .

6. 熟鸡蛋可以在起锅前半小时加入。
Add the hard boiled eggs to the stew half and hour before the trotters are done .