因其嫩滑很像豆腐,故取名鱼腐。鱼腐可以放汤、 炆或炒。
我买了现成的鱼胶再稍微加工 ,用鱼腐制作了”冬菇蚝油烩鱼腐”,鱼腐吸收了冬菇的味道,使鱼腐更加美味。
材料 :
350 克 市售鱼胶
3 瓣 蒜米
1 个 鸡蛋 (大)
2 大匙 生粉
材料 :
12 朵 冬菇
12 件 鱼腐
2 片 姜
1 小匙 蚝油
少许 料理酒
少许 糖
适量 泡冬菇水
少许 麻油
水淀粉 :
1 小匙 生粉 + 1大匙水搅匀
制法 :
1. 把鱼胶放进碗里,加入蒜米丶生粉拌匀,然后把蛋黄加入混合均匀。
2. 把蛋白打至起泡,加进鱼胶里轻拌至棉花状。
3. 锅烧热后,把油倒进锅中,转小火,把混了蛋浆的鱼肉用汤匙滑进油锅中,慢火浸炸在金黃之身。
4. 炸好的鱼腐可以放冰箱冷藏2~3 天。
5. 冬菇用水冲洗,加水浸软,剪去菇蒂,再用水冲洗干净。(留用泡冬菇的水)
6. 热锅中放一大匙油,爆香姜片,放入冬菇略炒。
7. 加入鱼腐、料酒、蚝油、糖和少许水烧开。
9. 最后淋上水淀粉、麻油。
Mushroom Braised Fish Puffs
Fish puffs braised mushroom is one of the famous dish from Shunde ,Guangdong. Fresh water fish flakes is combined with beaten eggs and seasonings and puff up as they are fried. The puffs are very light and smooth like tofu ,and remarkably delicious. It can be used in clear soups, hot pots , stir fried or braises.
I am using store bought fish paste (works perfectly here ) to make the fish puffs and braised it with mushrooms .
Ingredients :
Fish Puffs
350 g Ready fish paste
3 pcs Garlic minced
1 pc Egg (big)
2 tbsp Potato starch
Ingredients :
12 pcs Mushroom
12 pcs Fish puffs
Seasonings :
2 pcs Ginger slice
1 tsp Oyster sauce
Some Cooking wine
Pinch Sugar
Some Water that soaked the mushrooms
Drops of Sesame oil
Starch mixture :
1 tsp potato starch + 1 tbsp water to mix well
Method :
1. Add the minced garlic and potato starch to the fish paste and mix well.Beat in the egg York until everything is fully incorporated .
2. Beat the egg white until frothy and fold into the fish mixture until you have an even , cloudless mass.
3. Heat a wok and add some oil , lower the heat ,use a spoon to scoop up about half tablespoon of fish mixture and use another spoon to scoot in into the oil .Gently fry the fish puffs until golden in colour .
4. The puffs can be kept in the refrigerator for 2~3 days.
5. Clean the mushrooms and soak to softened . Remove the tough stems and rinse . (Keep the water that soaks the mushroom )
6. Heat up a wok and add some oil to sauté the ginger until aromatic , add the mushrooms to fry.
7.Add in the puffs ,cooking wine,oyster sauce, sugar and water to cook.
8.Simmer the above for 2 minutes.
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