预热烤箱 190 度 上下火
Preheat oven at 190 deg C, top and bottom heat
材料 (A): Ingredients :
焦糖 Caramel
100 g 砂糖 Granulated sugar
100 g 鲜奶油 Whipping cream
200g 低粉 Cake flour
1 tsp 泡打粉 Baking powder
80 g 糖 Castor sugar
125g 牛油 Salted butter
1 pc 鸡蛋 Egg
30 g 鸡蛋 Egg
100g 鲜奶 Fresh milk
2 pcs 苹果 Apple
(C)撒面 Toppings
酥脆燕麦片 Crunchy Instant oats
70 g 燕麦片 Instant oats
20 g 黄糖 Brown sugar
50 g 牛油 Salted butter
作法: Method
1.将材料 (A)的砂糖放到锅里用小火煮至呈微黄时用木勺搅拌,然后转中火煮至糖溶化呈深棕色,端离火炉。熬制焦糖时要小心,糖浆很容易熬焦。
Melt The sugar from ingredient (A) in a pan over low heat .Let it partially melt and just starts to brown and quickly stir with a wooden spoon.Then turn to medium heat and melt the sugar until it turns to deep caramel.Remove the pan out from heat .Always be cautious because sugar burns easily.
2. 把加热的鲜奶油倒入搅拌均匀。放置一边待凉。
Add the warm cream and mix well.Let cool.
3. 将材料 (C) 的牛油溶化后和其余的材料混合均匀,备用。
Melt the butter from ingredients (C) and mix with the other two ingredients .
4. 苹果去皮和核后切成小块。
Peel and core the apples then cut into small cubes.
5. 低粉和泡打粉一起过筛。
Sift the flour together the baking powder.
Heat the soften butter with sugar till fluffy ,then add in the eggs , 1 at a time ,beating well after each addition.
7. 加入牛奶、焦糖混合均匀。
Add the milk and caramel and mix well.
8. 加入苹果拌匀。
Add the chopped apples and mix well.
9. 将粉类分三次拌入。
Fold in the flour mixture in 3 batches.
10. 将蛋糕糊勺入纸杯至8分满,再撒上(C) 的燕麦片后 入烤箱烤约 25~30分钟。
Divide the mixture into paper cup 3/4 full and sprinkle with some toppings (C) , then bake for 25 ~30 minutes.
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