250 克 高筋面粉
150 克 中筋面粉
1 大匙 奶粉
5 克 干酵母
1 小匙 盐
30 克 细 沙糖
120 克 水
120 克 牛奶
1 个 鸡蛋 /50克蛋液
50 克 牛油
1. 全部粉类一起过筛,备用。
2. 将所有原料(除了牛油)放入面包桶里,酵母和盐要分开放(各放一边)。开启“和面”功能,搅拌约15分钟,休息约10分钟。
3. 进行完一个“和面”程序 ,面团基本成型,此时可将切成小块的牛油加进去,再次开启“和面”功能,揉至面团表面光滑。
4. 将面团移到工作台上,用保鲜膜将包好,松弛15分钟。(面团很湿软沾手,建议在整形的时候需要在工作台上涂一层油,双手也涂上一薄层牛油。)
5. 将松弛好的面团,用手轻按面团将气体挤出来,分割成500 克面团 ,3 个70克面团,然后滚圆,盖上保鲜膜,再让面团休息15分钟。
6. 完成的小面团收口朝小,排入已铺上油纸的烤盘中,覆盖保鲜膜,进行45 分钟发酵。
7.用擀面杖将500 克面团擀开,翻面,由上而下卷起,收口朝下,松弛15分钟。
8. 再次将长形面团擀开,翻面,由上而下卷起,收口朝下,放入已涂抹牛油的吐司烤模中,覆盖保鲜膜,进行1个小时发酵,或面团发酵到9分满。
9. 将烤箱预热,上下火 170 度。
10. 将(6)在进烤箱前喷水,随意撒上芝麻和杏仁片,然后烘烤18~20分钟。
11. 将已发酵好的吐司面团喷水,随意撒上芝麻和杏仁片,放进烤箱最底层烘烤35~40 分钟。
2. 我用三能450 克吐司模。
3. 烘烤过程中表面如果上色太快,可以铺上一张铝箔纸。
Milky Bread
Ingredients :
250 g Bread flour
150 g All purpose flour
1 tbsp Milk powder
5 g Instant dry yeast
1 tsp Salt
30 g Castor sugar
120 g Water
120 g Milk
1 pc Egg/50 g
50 g Butter
Toppings :Sesame seeds and almond flakes
Method :
1. Sift the bread flour and all purpose flour together .
2. Put all of the ingredients in the bread machine (except the butter) .Place the yeast and salt separately .Set to the dough program and press start.It takes about 15 minutes to knead then rest for 10 minutes.
3. Press start the dough program again and add the butter to knead for another 15 minutes until a soft dough forms .
4. Remove the dough from the machine and cover with cling film , rest for 15 minutes.(The dough is very soft and sticky , try to grease the table top and also ally some oil on hands )
5. Knead lightly to knock back the dough, divide into a 500g dough and 3 equal size pieces.Roll them into balls , covered and rest for 15 minutes.
6. Place the small balls in a roasting pan,lined with greased proof paper , covered and ferment for 45 minutes.
7.Use a rolling pin to roll the dough into rectangle roughly 7~8 inches long ,turn over then roll up and press to seal . Rest for 15 minutes.
8. Use the rolling pin to roll the dough again , turn over and roll up and press to seal . Place the dough into a well greased 1lb loaf pan , covered and let rise for one hour .
9. Preheat the oven , top and bottom at 170 Deg Celcius.
10. Spray some water on (6) and top with some sesame seeds and slmond flakes , then bake for 18~20 minutes.
11. Spray some water on the loaf and top with some sesame seeds and almond flakes. Bake for about 35 to 40 minutes at the bottom rack.(Cover with tin foil if the top is browning too quickly)
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