Monday, 21 September 2015

简易法棍 / Homemade French Bread


材料 : 冷藏老面种  
Ingredients  : Poolish Starter 
60  g 面包粉  Bread flour
60  g 水         Water
1    g 干酵母  Instsnt yeast 

作法: Method
1. 将所有材料置于一个容器里搅拌均匀。
In a bowl stir together the above ingredients .

2. 加盖盖好,室温发酵1 小时后,放入冰箱冷藏至少24小时,备用。
Cover with lid and let it stand at room temperature for one hour, then refrigerate it for at least 24 hours .

(B) 主面团  Main dough
300 g 面包粉 Bread flour
1 tsp  盐  Fine sea salt
1 tsp  干酵母  Instant yeast
210 g  水  Water
冷藏老面种  Poolish starter

Bring the poolish starter to room temperature for half an hour before used.

作法: Method 

1. 将老面种,水和酵母放进面包机里,启动和面程序,搅拌7 分钟,休息约15分钟。
Place the polish starter, water and yeast to the bread machine ,set to the dough program and press start. Knead for 7 minutes and rest for 15 minutes.

2. 再加入面粉和盐,再次启动和面程序,揉至面团表面光滑。
Add the flour and salt and press start the dough program again to knead to a smooth dough.

3. 将面团放在已抹油的盆里,盖上保鲜膜,室温发酵1个小时。
Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl and cover with cling film .Leave to ferment for an hour.

4. 桌上撒少许面包粉,将发好的面团移出,分割成三等份,然后滚圆,松弛15分钟。
Lightly dust  the working table with some flour and divide the dough into three equal parts ,then shape into balls and rest for 15 minutes.

5. 将每份面团擀成长扁形,从长边开始,上下两边往中心线折叠,用手轻按折叠边缘。
Roll each balls into long rectangle and fold down the top third of the dough and use your heel to lightly press to seal.Fold the bottom third of the dough and use your heel to lightly press to seal.

6. 再把面团由长边卷起,一边卷一边轻压(右手卷,左手压),收口处捏紧朝下。
Again folding from the top down with your right hand,use the heel of your left hand to press to seal the edge.

7. 用手轻轻从中间滚压变长,两头稍尖。
Start with your hand in the middle of the dough and gently move to the outer edge of the dough as you roll.

Transfer the shaped dough to a lined pan ,cover with damp cloth and let it rise for 90 minutes.

9. 发酵好前20分钟将烤箱预热至250 度,同时放一个不锈钢盆在烤箱里。
Preheat the oven at 250 deg C 20 minutes before the proofing ends and also put a small metal baking tray on the oven floor.

10. 进烤箱前在面团上喷水,并撒上一些燕麦片,然后以利刀划出3~4道深线。
Spray the doughs with water and dust with some instant oats, then score the top with a sharp knife. 

11. 把面团送入烤箱后,倒杯热水于不锈钢盆中,制造水蒸汽,烘烤20~25分钟。
After putting the bread in the oven , pour a cup of hot water into the metal baking tray to create some steam to get a nice crust , and bake for 30~25 minutes .

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