Thursday, 29 January 2015

姜烧沙丁鱼 / Sardines simmered ginger

多数人买鲜沙丁鱼回来不是煎炸就是烧酸辣汤,我平时都很少煎炸食物,害怕被油溅到 :-( 有朋友建议我用箩筐遮住脸,那么就不怕被油溅到了啦 ! 哈哈!
今天这道姜烧沙丁鱼的材料简单易做又好吃,只是会比较费时,不是说慢工出细活吗 ?:))

Sardines are often deep fried or made into spicy sour soup by most people. I don't always deep fry my food as I am scared of the oil splatter . A friend told me to use a bamboo colander to cover my face whenever I wish to deep fry my food , what a genius idea ! Ha ha ha 
This dish uses simple ingredients and the methodology is easy. The only catch is the time required to cook but everyone knows hard work and long hours pay off in the end :-)

材料 :  Ingredients 

6 pcs 沙丁鱼 ,7~8 寸长,去头  Fresh sardines, about 7~8 inches, remove heads and intestines
10 g 姜,切细   Ginger, thinly sliced
300 g 水   Water
200 g 米醋   Rice vinegar
100 g 料理酒   Sake
100 g 米瀮   Mirin
300 g 水   Water
2 tsp 糖   Sugar
5 tbsp 头抽   Premium soy sauce

配料:   Garnishes
适量 姜,去皮,切丝,泡冷水10 分钟,捞起,备用
Some ginger, peel the skin and slice thinly, soak in cold water for 10 mins, drain.
适量 青葱,切细
Some scallion, chopped

作法 :   Method

1. 将已膛好的沙丁鱼放到一个装淡盐水的盆里清洗,然后在流动的水喉下洗净。
Wash the sardines in salt water and wash under running tap water until it runs clear.

2. 将鱼排好放到锅里,加入300 g 水和米醋, 用日式木盖盖上,开火烧开后转中火焖15分钟。按着木盖将米醋水倒掉。
Layer the sardines in a pot , add the 300g water with vinegar, cover with a drop lid, bring to a boil then turn to medium and simmer for 15 minutes.Press down on the drop lid and pour away the liquid.

3. 将酒丶米䨬、水、糖 和姜丝加入,再用木盖盖上,开火烧开后转中火焖煮30 分钟 ,或至水量减半。
Add the sake, water, sugar and sliced ginger to the pot ,cover with the drop lid and bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to medium to simmer for 30 minutes ,or until the liquid is reduced by half.

4.  调入头抽后,再煮至汤汁浓稠,大约 10 分钟。
Add the soy sauce and continue to simmer until the amount is once more halved, about 10 minutes.

5. 移开木盖, 用汤勺不断的把汤汁淋于鱼面上,至到剩下几大匙汤汁,熄火。
Remove the drop lid, spoon the sauce over the fish until the liquid is reduced to a few tablespoon,remove from heat.

6. 将鱼排好于碟中,淋上汤汁,撒上姜丝和葱花。
Serve the sardines and sauce with sprinkles of ginger slice and chopped scallion .

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

蓝莓马芬 / Blueberry Muffins


预热烤箱 220 度 上下火 
Preheat oven at 220 deg C, top and bottom heat 

材料:   Ingredients 
260 g 低粉   Cake flour
4 tsp 泡打粉  Baking powder
1 tsp 桂皮粉   Cinnamon powder
150 g 糖          Castor sugar
小撮 盐.           Pinch salt

100 g 牛油,融化   Butter , melted
250 g 鲜奶               Fresh milk 
1 pc 鸡蛋                 Egg
125 g 新鲜蓝莓        Fresh blueberries

作法:   Method

1.将(A) 材料混合过筛到一个大盆里。
Sieve the ingredients (A) into a big bowl.

2. 把鸡蛋打入鲜奶里,用叉子稍打。
Use a fork to light beat the egg and milk.

3. 将(B) 材料全部放进混合面粉里,用打蛋器或叉子轻轻拌匀。(小心别把蓝莓压烂了!)
Tip the liquid and fruit into the bowl with the dry ingredients .Use a hand whisk or fork to lightly fold in everything together.(Berries should keep their shape)

4. 将蛋糕糊勺入蛋糕杯里3/4 满,入烤箱烤约 12~15分钟。
Divide the mixture into paper cup 3/4 full and bake for about 12~15 minutes .

Monday, 26 January 2015


普洱茶的功效很多,主要为 :-
一 . 降三高(高血脂、高胆固醇、高血压)、减肥、抗动脉硬化。
普洱茶在日本、德国、港澳台、韩国 、星马等地,都有美容茶、减肥茶、益寿茶、瘦身茶之良饮神品美称。

二. 抗癌、防癌

三. 养胃、护胃


我一般都用纯净水或矿泉水来冲泡普洱, 水温要求为100度C沸水或不低于90度C。


2. 温壶涤具:往茶具中置入烧开的清水,主要起到温壶温杯以及涤具的作用。


4.洗茶和冲茶 :沸水冲入壶中,15~20秒后出水,以此清洗茶叶中的杂质和醒茶。



Saturday, 24 January 2015








Sunday, 18 January 2015

柠檬罂粟籽戚风蛋糕 / Lemon Poppy Seed Chiffon Cake


I was given the recipe by a Taiwanese friend. This chiffon cake is made with nutty and crunchy poppy seeds ,and has a light ,fluffy and delicate texture.Perfect with your morning coffee or tea.

20cm 戚风蛋糕模,干净无油   20cm loose bottom chiffon cake pan, clean and oil free

预热烤箱 150度   Preheat oven at 150deg Celsius

材料:  Ingredients
120 g 低筋粉   Cake flour
5 g 玉米粉   Corn flour
1/2 tsp 盐   Salt
1/4 tsp 泡打粉   Baking powder
2 tbsp 罂粟籽   Poppy seeds

5 pc 蛋黄   Egg yolks
40 g 细砂糖   Castor sugar
90 g 鲜奶   Fresh milk 
60 g 玉米油   Corn oil
2 tsp 柠檬汁.  Lemon juice
1 tsp 柠檬皮   Lemon peels

5 pc 蛋白   Egg whites
80 g 细砂糖   Castor sugar

作法 :   Method

1) 将材料(A)混合过筛,备用。
Mix ingredients (A) and sift, set aside.

2)用电动打蛋器以高速搅打蛋白直发起, 糖分三次慢慢加入,搅打至湿性发泡,备用。
Whisk the egg whites in a clean and dry bowl , use high speed to whisk till frothy,slowly add in the sugar in three batches and continue to beat until soft peak forms,set aside.

3) 用回同样的打蛋器, 已低速稍微搅打蛋黄和细砂糖,(不必打发)再加入鲜奶,玉米油,柠檬汁和柠檬皮搅拌均匀。
Using the same beater with low speed, beat the egg yolks and sugar, (don't over beat)
Then add in milk,oil,lemon juice and peels and mix well.

With low speed, add in the sifted flour in three batches and mix well,about half a minute.

5) 将2大勺蛋白霜 (no.2) 拌入蛋黄面糊内。
Fold 2 big spoon of meringue (no.2) into the egg york batter.

6) 将以上拌入蛋白霜内搅拌均匀,倒入烤盘中,放入已预热烤箱 150度烤1 个小时。取出后马上倒扣放着冷却才脱模。
Fold the above into the meringue till well mixed ,pour into the tin and bake at 150deg Celsius for 1 hour.Invert the tin immediately after you remove the cake from the oven.Leave to cool completely before removing the cake from the mould.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

莲藕珍珠豆汤/Lotus Root And Cranberry Beans Soup


This is a simple and easy soup to cook, it has protein (the meat) and fiber ( the veggies )that is nutritious to create a tasty meal.

材料 : Ingredients

500 g 鸡腿,切块,汆烫,备用  Chicken drumsticks, cut and blanched
1/2  tsp 胡椒粒  white peppers
200 g 莲藕,削皮,切片  Lotus root, peeled and sliced
100 g 珍珠豆  Cranberry beans
2~3 pc 红枣  Red dates
2 pc  干贝   dried scallops
1 小把 枸杞  Goji berry
2 ~2 1/2 cups 水. water

作法: Method

1)汤锅加水烧开, 加入全部用料,(除了枸杞子)。
Bring the water to boil and add in all the ingredients except the goji berris.

2) 撇去浮末, 转小火煮1 1/2 小时。
Skimming off the foamy scum on the surface of the soup, then cook,with low fire for 1 1/2 hours.

Add in the goji berries and salt to taste. Serve.

咖喱鸡/Curry Chicken


材料: Ingredients

1 只 鸡,切成18块  Chicken , cut into 18 pieces
4个  土豆,去皮切块  Potatoes, peeled and quartered 

200g 干葱头  Shallots
4瓣 蒜头  Garlic
10~12g 辣椒干,剪段,泡热水  Dried chilies ,cut and soaked in hot water 
2 pcs 红辣椒, 切细  Fresh chillies, cut
1 pc 香茅,切细   Lemongrass, chopped 
5 g 黄姜  Turmeric 
2 g 蓝姜  Galangal 
3 pc 石古仔 Candle nuts
2 tbsp 食油  Oil

3 tbsp 肉类咖喱粉  Meat curry powder

1 pc 香茅,拍扁  Lemongrass, bruised
1 pc 八角  Star anise
4 cm 桂皮  Cinnamon stick
1 sprig 咖喱叶  Curry leaves
2 pcs 香兰叶  Pandan leave

300 g  椰浆  Coconut milk
500 g 水  Water

調料: Seasoning
糖、盐  Sugar and Salt

作法: Method

1) 将(A) 料磨细后加入(B)拌匀,备用。
Blend (A) in a blender .

2) 锅烧热,加入一大勺油(炒菜用勺)将土豆稍炸至金黄色,(大约5分钟)留底油,备用。
Add 1 ladle of oil into the wok and fry the potatoes till golden brown , about 5 minutes. Dish up and put aside. 

3 ) 再加入一大勺油(炒菜用勺),以小火爆香( 1)、香茅、八角、桂皮和咖喱叶和1 小匙盐(大约5分钟)看到有红油溢 出后,把鸡块加入,转中火拌炒均匀。加入香兰叶、水和土豆烧开。加盖以小火煮约20分钟。
Add another ladle of oil to the same wok , fry  no (1) ,lemongrass,star anise,cinnamon stick,curry leaves and a teaspoon of salt with low fire till  fragrant and the oil seeps up (about 5 minutes)Add in the chicken pieces (medium fire)and stir fry until well mixed.Add in the pandan leaves,water and potatoes and bring to a boil.Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Season with a teaspoon each of salt and sugar , then add in the coconut milk and bring to a brief boil and off the fire.

5) 加盖焖15分钟后即可享用。
Cover for 15 minutes and serve.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

肉桂卷 /Cinnamon Rolls


预热烤箱 200 度,上下火
Preheat oven at 200 deg C, top and bottom 

材料:  Ingredients

300 g 面包粉  Bread flour
200 g 普通面粉  All purpose flour
2 tsp 干酵母  Instant yeast
80 g 牛油  Softened butter
40 g 细砂糖  Castor sugar
2 tbsp 奶粉  Milk powder 
1 tsp  盐  Salt
200 ml 鲜奶  Fresh milk
100 ml 水  Water
1 pc 鸡 蛋  Egg
80 g 葡萄干. Raisins

肉桂糖(拌匀): Cinnamon sugar(mixed)
1 tbsp 肉桂粉      Cinnamon powder
2 tbsp 黄糖           Brown sugar

适量 融化牛油和蜜糖
Some melted butter and honey

作法:  Method

1) 将酵母,少许糖 和1大匙水放进搅拌缸里稍微搅拌,放置20 分钟。
Place the yeast ,some sugar and 1tbsp water into the mixing bowl and stir to mix, rest for 20 minutes.

2) 当酵母冒泡时把面包粉,普通面粉,奶粉,蛋,鲜奶,剩余的水、糖 和盐 置入搅拌缸里,启动慢速搅拌2分钟。改中速搅拌至光滑。
When you see the bubbly froth, add the bread flour,all purpose flour,milk powder,egg,fresh milk,remaining water and sugar and salt , mix on low speed for 2 minutes.Increase the speed to medium and mix until the dough is smooth.

Use low speed to incorporate the butter into the dough ,then change to medium speed to mix until your dough pass the windowpane test and register 25~27 degree C.

4) 取出面团置入已抹油的盆中滚圆,覆盖保鲜膜进行常温28度的基本发酵约1小时后,面团会有2倍大。
Lightly oil a large bowl and bring the bring to the bowl, rolling it around to cost it with oil, cover with cling wrap and proof for about 1 hour at room temperature ,until the dough doubles in size.

5) 把基本发酵好的面团移到桌面,轻拍排气,然后分割成2个面团滚圆,松弛15分钟。
Bring the dough to the work place and knead lightly to releasesome air, then divide into 2 and again roll into balls , let them rest for 15 minutes .

6)将面团放在撒了面粉的桌面,用擀面杖擀成3/4 寸厚的长方形,然后抹上溶解的牛油,撒上肉桂糖和葡萄干后轻轻卷起,战起收尾部分后,切成8等份。(不要卷得太紧,不然烤好的面包不蓬松)
Lightly dust some flour on the working table and roll out the dough with a rolling pin .Roll each dough into rectangle about 34 inch thick ,brush with some melted butter and sprinkle the cinnamon sugar and raisins over the dough and roll up.with the seam side down, cut each dough into 8 pieces.

7)将切面朝上放入10 寸方烤盘中(涂油)发酵至2倍大。
Place the cut up dough into 10 inches square tin(greased) and proof until the pieces have grown into one another and have nearly doubled in size.

Bake at 180 degree C for 15~18 minutes.

When done immediately invert the bread , then flip over and brush with melted butter and honey .

Tuesday, 13 January 2015


我喜欢用冷藏老面种做面包,烤好的面包皮是金黄色的,面包质地柔软, 口感弹性佳,天然发酵香气十足,胜于普通直接发酵的面包。

预热烤箱 200 度,上下火

(A)冷藏老面种  Poolish starter
300g 面包粉  Bread flour
300g 水  Water
1g 干酵母  Instant yeast

1. 将所有材料置于一个容器里搅拌均匀。
Place all ingredients in a container and mix well .

2. 加盖盖好,室温发酵1 小时后,放入冰箱冷藏至少24小时,备用。
Cover with lid and let it stand at room temperature for 1 hour, then refrigerate it for at least 24 hours.

(B) 主面团  Main dough
350g 面包粉 Bread flour
50g  细蔗糖  Fine cane sugar
10g 奶粉  Milk powder
5g 盐  Fine sea salt
5g 干酵母  Instant yeast
60g 鲜奶  Fresh milk
1个 鸡蛋  Egg
40g 牛油  Butter
300g 冷藏老面种(只用了(A) 一半份量) Half portion of polish starter 
100g 蔓越莓  Cranberries
100g  胡桃  Pecans

作法: Method 

1. 将老面种,鲜奶 和蛋液放进容器里混合搅拌,再拌入干酵母,面包粉和糖,混合成团后放置 20分钟。
Place the polish starter, milk and egg in the bowl of standing electric mixer ,stir with a rubber spatula until the poolish breaks up into long strands. Add the yeast, bread flour and sugar, stir until a rough dough forms and rest for 20 minutes.

2. 再加入盐充分柔和。以中速搅拌至面团至光滑。(大约7~8分钟)
Stir in the salt with a spatula. Mix on medium speed for about 7~8 minutes with your dough hook fitted .

3. 在面团搅拌成团,且具有筋性时,改以低速加入牛油搅拌至油脂完全吸收。
When the dough begins to pull away from the sides of the bowl, feels elastic, mix in the softened butter on low speed until completely incorporated.

4. 再转至中速搅拌5 分钟 至{完成阶段}状态 。(可拉开的薄膜,破洞边沿为光滑状)
Continue to mix on medium speed for 5 minutes until the dough is smooth. 

5. 加入胡桃和蔓越莓以慢速拌匀。
Add in the nuts and cranberries on low speed.

6. 将面团从搅拌缸取出,放在桌上滚成球状,盖上保鲜膜,基本发酵1小时15 分钟。
Bring the dough to the work surface and form a ball, cover the dough with cling wrap, leave to proof for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

7. 将基本发酵好的胡桃蔓越莓面包面团分割成350克/个,共3 个。 滚圆后中间发酵20分钟。
Divide the dough into 350g portions,mould them into balls and let them rest for 20 minutes.

8. 中间发酵后,将面团轻拍排气擀开。
Flatten dough balls lightly.

9. 擀开后,将面团翻面,卷起成橄榄形,再搓长。放到已涂油的烤盘上进行最后发酵1 小时。
Roll the dough flat into rectangles , flip over and roll it up in oval shape, then gently pull the dough until you have a long oval shape . Place the doughs on the greased baking tray and leave to prove for 1 hour.

10. 放进烤箱最低层,烤约 35 分钟。
Bake at 200 deg C for 35 minutes, at the lowest rack.



500g 带皮五花肉,切块
2 根 葱,切段
1小块 姜,拍扁
1大匙 绍兴酒
1大匙 糖
1大匙 生抽
1小匙 老抽 (上色作用)
适量 食盐 和鸡精 (随意)


1. 先把肉洗净,切成块,用开水焯一下,控干水。
2. 炒锅烧热,放入少许油,放葱姜炒香,加入肉煸炒,然后依序放入黄酒、老抽、糖、生抽、适量水(刚好盖过肉),大火煮开后,盖上锅盖调小火炖40分种。3. 汁快收干时加入盐和鸡精调味,就可以出锅了。

Suzhou Style Braised Pork Belly

Braised pork belly is a common dish among mainland Chinese. The braised pork belly is meltingly tender and flavourful and you will want more with an extra bowl of rice !

Ingredients :

500g Pork belly , cut into pieces 
2 stalks Spring onion , cut into pieces
1 small pc Ginger, lightly smashed 
1tbsp Shaoxing wine
1tbsp Sugar
1tbsp Soy Sauce
1tsp Dark soy sauce (for colouring)
Salt and chicken stock granules to taste

Note : I used pork ribs as my hubby doesn't appreciate the pork belly 

Method :

1. Wash the pork belly,cut into bite-size pieces. Bring a pot of water to the boil, add the pork belly to the boiling water and cook for 3~4 minutes ,remove from the heat and drain.
2. Heat some oil in a wok and add in the spring onion and ginger ,fry until fragrant .Add the pork belly and stir fry till the pork pieces turn brown.Add the shaoxing wine, dark soy sauce,sugar, soy sauce and some water(just enough to cover the pork) and bring to a boil ,then cover with lid and simmer for 40 minutes.
3. Season with salt and chicken stock when the sauce is rich and almost dries up.Dish up and serve.

Sunday, 11 January 2015



1 个 三文鱼头(大约350g)用少許盐、黑胡椒粉 和1大匙料酒腌制一会
2~3片 姜
1 根 大蒜,斜切段
1 个 红萝卜,切块
适量 大白菜,切块
少许 裙带菜,用水稍微冲洗
少许 蘑菇,切片
1盒 嫩豆腐,切小块
1小匙 堅魚粉
1大匙 味噌
1大匙 味霖
4杯 水

1. 把水烧开,加入姜片、大蒜、红萝卜、大白菜、群带菜和鲣鱼粉,煮开后转小火煮5分钟。

2. 取一些热汤调稀味噌和味霖,备用。
3. 加入鱼头 和 蘑菇,以小火煮约3分钟。


5. 撒上一些青葱即可食用。

Salmon Fish Head Miso Soup

This is another miso soup recipe that is deliciously healthy and easy to cook .

Ingredients :
1 Salmon fish head , marinade with some salt, black pepper powder and sake 
2~3 pcs Ginger
1 Leek, sliced 
1 Carrot, cut into pieces
Some white cabbage, cut into pieces
Some wakame seaweed,lightly wash 
Some button mushrooms, sliced 
1 block Silken tofu, cut into pieces 
1tsp Dashi powder
1tbsp Miso
1tbso Mirin
4 cups Water

To make :
1. Boil the water and add in the ginger,leek,carrots,white cabbage ,seaweed and dashi powder, let it come to a boil and lower the heat to cook for 5 minutes.

2. While the soup is simmering , place the miso and mirin in a bowl and thin with some hot broth.

3. Add the fish head and mushroom to the soup and simmer for about 3 minutes.

4. Off the heat and add the tofu and miso mixture  to the soup,adjust the seasoning.

5.Garnish with some chopped spring onion before serving 

Friday, 9 January 2015

熔岩巧克力蛋糕 / Lava Cake

要做好吃的,巧克力品质很重要,可可含量至少70%, 烤好的蛋糕一刀下去,巧克力熔浆就流出来了。蛋糕松软可口,巧克力酱十分浓厚,好吃!

200g 巧克力 ,切碎(可可含量 70%)
150g 无盐牛油

3 个 鸡蛋
3 个 蛋黄
90g 细砂糖
1小匙 香草精
1小匙 白兰地(随意)


1. 将材料 (A) 放到一个碗里,隔水融化,备用。

2. 用电动打蛋器以中高速打发材料(B),大约5分钟。

3. 将冷却的巧克力酱拌入(B) ,再把50g蛋糕粉拌入。

4. 面糊倒入苏芙蕾模具中2/3满,放到冰箱冷藏30分钟后放进175度烤箱中,烘烤12分钟。(记得预热烤箱喔!)

Lava Cake              
200g Dark chocolate  (at least 70% cocoa)
150g Butter

Melt the above in a bowl over a pot of simmering water.
Leave to cool.
3 pcs Egg
3 pcs Egg yolk
90g Castor sugar
1 tsp Vanilla essence 
1tsp Brandy ,optional

Beat till very light at medium high speed with hand mixer for about 5 minutes.
Fold the cool chocolate mixture into the batter.

Then fold in 50g of cake flour.

Divide equally into the tins and keep in the refrigerator for 30 minutes ,then  bake at 175degree C for 12 minutes. (Don't forget to preheat your oven !)

8 pcs soufflé tins brushed with some oil and sprinkle with cocoa powder , keep in the fridge .

Thursday, 8 January 2015



2个 成熟牛油果,中间剖开,去核,切块
1个 大青柠,取汁
1个 /1/2 杯 洋葱,切细
1个/ 1/2杯 番茄,去籽,切细
1小把/ 1/4杯 香菜,切细
适量 墨西哥胡椒/朝天椒,切细
适量 食盐和现磨胡椒

1. 把切块牛油果放到一大碗里,挤入青柠汁,用叉子压烂。




Guacamole is a great and success dip at any party . I learnt this from a Mexican lady and it's easy to make !

Ingredients :

2 pcs Riped medium avocado, halved ,seeded and pulp scooped out and cut up
1 pc Lime, juiced
1/2 cup Onion, chopped
1/2 cup Tomatoes, seeded and chopped
1 small bunch Cilantro , chopped
1 pc Jalapeño pepper, chopped (can be replaced with some chili padi)
Salt and ground pepper to taste 

Method :
1. Place cut up avocados in a big bowl ,squeeze the lime juice and use a fork to mash .

2. Stir in the rest of the ingredients until combined.Season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.Let stand 30 minutes for flavour to blend .

How to choose avocado:
Buy avocados that are soft enough when pressed with your palm but not so ripe they deny easily .You can store the rock-hard one at room temperature for a few days to ripen.