Tuesday, 13 January 2015


我喜欢用冷藏老面种做面包,烤好的面包皮是金黄色的,面包质地柔软, 口感弹性佳,天然发酵香气十足,胜于普通直接发酵的面包。

预热烤箱 200 度,上下火

(A)冷藏老面种  Poolish starter
300g 面包粉  Bread flour
300g 水  Water
1g 干酵母  Instant yeast

1. 将所有材料置于一个容器里搅拌均匀。
Place all ingredients in a container and mix well .

2. 加盖盖好,室温发酵1 小时后,放入冰箱冷藏至少24小时,备用。
Cover with lid and let it stand at room temperature for 1 hour, then refrigerate it for at least 24 hours.

(B) 主面团  Main dough
350g 面包粉 Bread flour
50g  细蔗糖  Fine cane sugar
10g 奶粉  Milk powder
5g 盐  Fine sea salt
5g 干酵母  Instant yeast
60g 鲜奶  Fresh milk
1个 鸡蛋  Egg
40g 牛油  Butter
300g 冷藏老面种(只用了(A) 一半份量) Half portion of polish starter 
100g 蔓越莓  Cranberries
100g  胡桃  Pecans

作法: Method 

1. 将老面种,鲜奶 和蛋液放进容器里混合搅拌,再拌入干酵母,面包粉和糖,混合成团后放置 20分钟。
Place the polish starter, milk and egg in the bowl of standing electric mixer ,stir with a rubber spatula until the poolish breaks up into long strands. Add the yeast, bread flour and sugar, stir until a rough dough forms and rest for 20 minutes.

2. 再加入盐充分柔和。以中速搅拌至面团至光滑。(大约7~8分钟)
Stir in the salt with a spatula. Mix on medium speed for about 7~8 minutes with your dough hook fitted .

3. 在面团搅拌成团,且具有筋性时,改以低速加入牛油搅拌至油脂完全吸收。
When the dough begins to pull away from the sides of the bowl, feels elastic, mix in the softened butter on low speed until completely incorporated.

4. 再转至中速搅拌5 分钟 至{完成阶段}状态 。(可拉开的薄膜,破洞边沿为光滑状)
Continue to mix on medium speed for 5 minutes until the dough is smooth. 

5. 加入胡桃和蔓越莓以慢速拌匀。
Add in the nuts and cranberries on low speed.

6. 将面团从搅拌缸取出,放在桌上滚成球状,盖上保鲜膜,基本发酵1小时15 分钟。
Bring the dough to the work surface and form a ball, cover the dough with cling wrap, leave to proof for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

7. 将基本发酵好的胡桃蔓越莓面包面团分割成350克/个,共3 个。 滚圆后中间发酵20分钟。
Divide the dough into 350g portions,mould them into balls and let them rest for 20 minutes.

8. 中间发酵后,将面团轻拍排气擀开。
Flatten dough balls lightly.

9. 擀开后,将面团翻面,卷起成橄榄形,再搓长。放到已涂油的烤盘上进行最后发酵1 小时。
Roll the dough flat into rectangles , flip over and roll it up in oval shape, then gently pull the dough until you have a long oval shape . Place the doughs on the greased baking tray and leave to prove for 1 hour.

10. 放进烤箱最低层,烤约 35 分钟。
Bake at 200 deg C for 35 minutes, at the lowest rack.

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