I was given the recipe by a Taiwanese friend. This chiffon cake is made with nutty and crunchy poppy seeds ,and has a light ,fluffy and delicate texture.Perfect with your morning coffee or tea.
20cm 戚风蛋糕模,干净无油 20cm loose bottom chiffon cake pan, clean and oil free
预热烤箱 150度 Preheat oven at 150deg Celsius
材料: Ingredients
120 g 低筋粉 Cake flour
5 g 玉米粉 Corn flour
1/2 tsp 盐 Salt
1/4 tsp 泡打粉 Baking powder
2 tbsp 罂粟籽 Poppy seeds
5 pc 蛋黄 Egg yolks
40 g 细砂糖 Castor sugar
90 g 鲜奶 Fresh milk
60 g 玉米油 Corn oil
2 tsp 柠檬汁. Lemon juice
1 tsp 柠檬皮 Lemon peels
5 pc 蛋白 Egg whites
80 g 细砂糖 Castor sugar
作法 : Method
1) 将材料(A)混合过筛,备用。
Mix ingredients (A) and sift, set aside.
2)用电动打蛋器以高速搅打蛋白直发起, 糖分三次慢慢加入,搅打至湿性发泡,备用。
Whisk the egg whites in a clean and dry bowl , use high speed to whisk till frothy,slowly add in the sugar in three batches and continue to beat until soft peak forms,set aside.
3) 用回同样的打蛋器, 已低速稍微搅打蛋黄和细砂糖,(不必打发)再加入鲜奶,玉米油,柠檬汁和柠檬皮搅拌均匀。
Using the same beater with low speed, beat the egg yolks and sugar, (don't over beat)
Then add in milk,oil,lemon juice and peels and mix well.
With low speed, add in the sifted flour in three batches and mix well,about half a minute.
5) 将2大勺蛋白霜 (no.2) 拌入蛋黄面糊内。
Fold 2 big spoon of meringue (no.2) into the egg york batter.
6) 将以上拌入蛋白霜内搅拌均匀,倒入烤盘中,放入已预热烤箱 150度烤1 个小时。取出后马上倒扣放着冷却才脱模。
Fold the above into the meringue till well mixed ,pour into the tin and bake at 150deg Celsius for 1 hour.Invert the tin immediately after you remove the cake from the oven.Leave to cool completely before removing the cake from the mould.
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