预热烤箱 200 度,上下火
Preheat oven at 200 deg C, top and bottom
材料: Ingredients
300 g 面包粉 Bread flour
200 g 普通面粉 All purpose flour
2 tsp 干酵母 Instant yeast
80 g 牛油 Softened butter
40 g 细砂糖 Castor sugar
2 tbsp 奶粉 Milk powder
1 tsp 盐 Salt
200 ml 鲜奶 Fresh milk
100 ml 水 Water
1 pc 鸡 蛋 Egg
80 g 葡萄干. Raisins
肉桂糖(拌匀): Cinnamon sugar(mixed)
1 tbsp 肉桂粉 Cinnamon powder
2 tbsp 黄糖 Brown sugar
适量 融化牛油和蜜糖
Some melted butter and honey
作法: Method
1) 将酵母,少许糖 和1大匙水放进搅拌缸里稍微搅拌,放置20 分钟。
Place the yeast ,some sugar and 1tbsp water into the mixing bowl and stir to mix, rest for 20 minutes.
2) 当酵母冒泡时把面包粉,普通面粉,奶粉,蛋,鲜奶,剩余的水、糖 和盐 置入搅拌缸里,启动慢速搅拌2分钟。改中速搅拌至光滑。
When you see the bubbly froth, add the bread flour,all purpose flour,milk powder,egg,fresh milk,remaining water and sugar and salt , mix on low speed for 2 minutes.Increase the speed to medium and mix until the dough is smooth.
Use low speed to incorporate the butter into the dough ,then change to medium speed to mix until your dough pass the windowpane test and register 25~27 degree C.
4) 取出面团置入已抹油的盆中滚圆,覆盖保鲜膜进行常温28度的基本发酵约1小时后,面团会有2倍大。
Lightly oil a large bowl and bring the bring to the bowl, rolling it around to cost it with oil, cover with cling wrap and proof for about 1 hour at room temperature ,until the dough doubles in size.
5) 把基本发酵好的面团移到桌面,轻拍排气,然后分割成2个面团滚圆,松弛15分钟。
Bring the dough to the work place and knead lightly to releasesome air, then divide into 2 and again roll into balls , let them rest for 15 minutes .
6)将面团放在撒了面粉的桌面,用擀面杖擀成3/4 寸厚的长方形,然后抹上溶解的牛油,撒上肉桂糖和葡萄干后轻轻卷起,战起收尾部分后,切成8等份。(不要卷得太紧,不然烤好的面包不蓬松)
Lightly dust some flour on the working table and roll out the dough with a rolling pin .Roll each dough into rectangle about 34 inch thick ,brush with some melted butter and sprinkle the cinnamon sugar and raisins over the dough and roll up.with the seam side down, cut each dough into 8 pieces.
7)将切面朝上放入10 寸方烤盘中(涂油)发酵至2倍大。
Place the cut up dough into 10 inches square tin(greased) and proof until the pieces have grown into one another and have nearly doubled in size.
Bake at 180 degree C for 15~18 minutes.
When done immediately invert the bread , then flip over and brush with melted butter and honey .
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