Tuesday, 13 January 2015



500g 带皮五花肉,切块
2 根 葱,切段
1小块 姜,拍扁
1大匙 绍兴酒
1大匙 糖
1大匙 生抽
1小匙 老抽 (上色作用)
适量 食盐 和鸡精 (随意)


1. 先把肉洗净,切成块,用开水焯一下,控干水。
2. 炒锅烧热,放入少许油,放葱姜炒香,加入肉煸炒,然后依序放入黄酒、老抽、糖、生抽、适量水(刚好盖过肉),大火煮开后,盖上锅盖调小火炖40分种。3. 汁快收干时加入盐和鸡精调味,就可以出锅了。

Suzhou Style Braised Pork Belly

Braised pork belly is a common dish among mainland Chinese. The braised pork belly is meltingly tender and flavourful and you will want more with an extra bowl of rice !

Ingredients :

500g Pork belly , cut into pieces 
2 stalks Spring onion , cut into pieces
1 small pc Ginger, lightly smashed 
1tbsp Shaoxing wine
1tbsp Sugar
1tbsp Soy Sauce
1tsp Dark soy sauce (for colouring)
Salt and chicken stock granules to taste

Note : I used pork ribs as my hubby doesn't appreciate the pork belly 

Method :

1. Wash the pork belly,cut into bite-size pieces. Bring a pot of water to the boil, add the pork belly to the boiling water and cook for 3~4 minutes ,remove from the heat and drain.
2. Heat some oil in a wok and add in the spring onion and ginger ,fry until fragrant .Add the pork belly and stir fry till the pork pieces turn brown.Add the shaoxing wine, dark soy sauce,sugar, soy sauce and some water(just enough to cover the pork) and bring to a boil ,then cover with lid and simmer for 40 minutes.
3. Season with salt and chicken stock when the sauce is rich and almost dries up.Dish up and serve.

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