Tuesday, 6 January 2015



4个 鸡腿,斬小块,洗净,控干
8~10瓣 蒜头,去衣
4片 姜
2根 葱,切段
1大把 九层塔
2大匙 食油
1大勺(炒菜用勺 )麻油 
1/2小匙 老抽 (起到上色作用)
1小匙 蚝油
1/4 杯 清水
1小匙 糖

1. 炒锅内放麻油和食油爆香葱、姜、蒜和一半的九层塔。(喜欢有点辣味的朋友也可加入2根辣椒一起爆香)

2. 把鸡块加入翻炒,再加入老抽炒匀上色。


4. 起锅前调入糖和剩余的九层塔再拌炒一下即可盛盘。

San Bei Ji

San bei ji, literally translated as "three cups chicken" is a common dish in Taiwanese cuisine.
Sesame oil,soy sauce,rice wine and sweet basil are the basic ingredients to create this finger-licking three cups chicken .

4 pcs Chicken drumstick , cut into small pieces
8~10 pcs Garlic, skinned
4 pcs Ginger, sliced 
2 stalks Spring onion, cut into 2 inch lengths
1 bunch Sweet basil
2 tbsp Vegetable oil
1 big ladle Sesame oil
1 big ladle Soy sauce
1 big ladle Rice wine
1/2 tsp Dark soy sauce(for colouring)
1tsp Oyster sauce
1/4 cup Water
1tsp Sugar

1. Fry the garlic, ginger , spring onion and half portion of sweet basil with the sesame oil and vegetable oil mixture till fragrant.

2. Add in the chicken pieces and try to mix well. Add in the dark soy sauce and coat the chicken well.

3.Add in oyster sauce,soy sauce and rice wine and continue to stir fry until well mixed .Add the water and let in come to a boil, lower the heat and cover the wok to simmer for 10 minutes.

4. Add in a teaspoon sugar and the remaining sweet basil , give it a brief stir fry and dish up to serve .

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